Gua Sha Routine & Benefits for Your Face

While skincare tools like LED masks and ultrasonic facial cleansers are arguably amazing for adding a boost to your skincare routine, there’s something satisfying about using a facial tool that doesn’t need to be plugged in to use.

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That’s right, I’m talking about facial tools like the jade roller and gua sha. These two superstar manual skincare tools don’t have any charging downtime and can be used as often as you want, whenever you want - making it easy to have an “I just got a facial!” glow right at home.

One skincare tool that can help you get there is a gua sha tool. These facial massagers are usually made of jade, rose quartz, or other crystals and have smooth curves that perfectly fit the contours of your face for a satisfying, relaxing massage treatment. 

Woman using gua sha on her face

What Is the Benefit of Gua Sha?

Gua sha for the face involves gently massaging the skin using steady, upward strokes of your gua sha tool. This method of facial massage has several benefits that will get you on the way to glowing skin!

Take your skincare routine to the next level with this natural facial massager from Theseeke.

Boosts Circulation

Like all forms of facial massage, using a gua sha stone can help improve circulation in your skin. Supporting healthy circulation can help bring a fresh glow back to your skin, and has the added bonus of helping to depuff eye bags and reduce dark circles. 

Improving skin circulation helps your skin to flush away any lingering fluid that causes dullness, dark circles and eye bags for a youthful, well-rested glow. 

May Help Soften Fine Lines

Used regularly and frequently enough, a gua sha tool can help to smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by lifting and toning the skin. Diehard gua sha massage fans swear that their skin is firmer, bouncier, and more elastic after making gua sha massage part of their skincare routine.

Paired with gua sha massage, this luxurious facial oil from La Mer softens the signs of ageing and deeply nourishes your skin.

Supports Lymphatic Drainage

Many find that their face and jawline look slimmer and more defined after a gua sha massage - that’s because gua sha for the face promotes lymphatic drainage, helping to support a healthy lymphatic system that whisks away any lingering fluid that’s contributing to puffy cheeks. 

In the long term, this could have the benefit of your face and jawline looking slimmer permanently - no injectables required!

Releases Wrinkle-Causing Tension

There’s one instant benefit of gua sha you’ll enjoy every single time you use your gua sha tool - how relaxing it feels. A gua sha massage helps to relax any tension you’re unintentionally holding in your face, especially around your jaw and eyebrows. Helping your muscles release this tension does double duty - first of all, it feels amazing. 

Secondly, it could help delay the onset of wrinkles caused by tension - especially those pesky frown lines!

Boost Skincare Absorption

Another benefit of gua sha for your skincare routine includes boosting skincare absorption - in essence, you’re making your skincare routine even more potent and powerful just by taking the extra step to massage it in with a gua sha stone. 

Fortified with antioxidant-rich oils, this skincare oil from Grown Alchemist lends your skin a protective boost, perfect for use with your gua sha.

How to Use Gua Sha Tool

So, how do you actually use a gua sha tool to get all its amazing benefits for skin? The best time to do gua sha for the face is at the very end of your nighttime routine. There is one crucial other skincare product you’ll need to use with your gua sha - a skincare oil. 

Using a facial oil as your gua sha oil makes sure that your tool glides smoothly over your skin - it shouldn’t tug or be uncomfortable! If you don’t have a facial oil to use, using extra moisturiser works in a pinch - but we’d really recommend going for your favourite facial oil.

How to Choose the Best Oil for Gua Sha

The best oil for gua sha depends on your skin type! All facial oils have a good amount of slip, making sure that you have a smooth, silky massage experience rather than one that’s rough and tugging on your skin. 

Something that might matter when choosing the best oil for gua sha is your skin goals. Looking to soften the signs of ageing? Opt for a facial oil infused with bakuchiol, like the Omorovicza Miracle Facial Oil. Is one of your skin goals to fade dark spots and hyperpigmentation? A rosehip based facial oil is your best bet.

Whichever facial oil you choose to use with your gua sha stone, it’ll help to relieve any tension and add a relaxing finish to your skincare routine - taking it from skincare to self-care!

Get your beauty affairs in order and grab a gua sha tool for your skincare routine ASAP! Or, if you’re still trying to put together your perfect skincare routine, try our skincare quiz.

Beauty Affairs Skin Quiz

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